Soundset BEST of US-2
Disk 1: Flöte
Flute JGBR, Float Away
Disk 2: Fretless Bass
Fretless 8 String
Fretless, Fret It Wide, Fret Layer, Synth Frets
Disk 3: Marimba und Getrommel
1. Concertina
Concertina eng1, Concertina engX, Concertina eng1V, Concertina engVX, Concertina engZ, Concertina engVZ, Concertina De Pan
2. Marimba
Marimba+ K3, Marimdelay, India Wood, Perc Marimba
3. Snare Roll
Snare Roll
4. Tin Whistle
Tin Whistle 1, Padded Whistle, Sung Whistle, Airy Whisler
Disk 4: Gitarren
Classical Guitar, Pizzicato
Stereo Pizz, Stereo Pizz 8vs, Classic Guitar 1, Classic 8vs1, BassSic, BassSoft, Smooth Guitar 1, Filter Guitar 1
Disk 5/6: Synthetics
Tangerine Dream/Schultz
Chekout Sequence, Tangerine, Night Flyer, Mogue Bass, Monstamash, Gazuntite!, Sore Throat, Pitched , Throat, Orbytes, Klaus Splitz, Press Delay, Auto Bahn, Klaus Sweep, Tangy Synth, Stacked, Hemisphere Guitar, Frozen Dream, T Dream (Demo-Song)
Disk 7: Bässe
1. Fretless Jazz/Jaco Style
CH Jazz 2, Bass: Jaco Rol 2, Bass: Fretless3
2. Warm Fretless
Warm Fretless 1, Bass: Warm Fretless 2, Chorus Warm Fretless 12
Disk 8: Clavigitarre
Clavitar, Spread Mute (1), Smoothang, Smoothang 2, Smoothang 3, Attack Clav, Spread Mute (2)
Disk 9: Besondere Programme
1. Instruments
Touch Strings 2, Fast Wet Strings, Sfz Tremolo Strings, Piano & FilterStrings, Legato Flute, Wendy|s Flute 2, Cathedral Voice, Green Acres, Soft Section, Sax Section, Organ Pad, Mixed Strings, New Age Steel, Touch Orchestra Use, Malletone, Pizz G 5, Slow Ensemble, XFade Distortion Guitar 2, Mellow Brass, Power Brass, Straight Strings, Fast Strings, Vel Strings 3rg, Eplex Flute, Floots
2. Jor Vox 2
Jor Vox 2
3. Keys
DX Rhodes G6, Space Notch 2, Resorgan, Shape LFO 3d50 2, Dynamic Piano, D50 Voce 2, Wet Fl Clave, Digital E-Piano, Classical Piano, String Machines, Angel Lyrs, Clave Pad, Bright Piano 1, Bold Piano3, E-Grando Syn, E-Piano 1, 12 String Rhodes, Bass Rhodes, Organ 2, Grando Elec 2, Grando Elec Dual 2, Grand & Elec Choir 2, 3d50 5, D50 Voce, Elec Piano & Voice, Piano Voice Pad, Clav Organ, Mallet Ch Wk 3, Light Ballad Organ
4. New Verb 1
Chorus Bright Hall, Chorus Warm Hall, Chorus Smooth Hall, String Echo, Prophet Chorus, Wet Chorus Hall, Chorus Delay, Chorus Big Hall, Chorus Short Hall
5. New Verb 2
Real Studio, Podium, The Club Room, Sizzle, Empty Room, Small Space 1, Small Space 2, Large Live Room
6. New Verb 3
String Hall, Small Space 3, Studio Space, Recital Room, Slap Space, Trumpet Hall, Big Space Slap, Lullaby, Live Drum Room
7. New Verb 4
Brick Room, Beeg & Huge, Tight Room, Soft Slap Hall, Small Office, Mild Room, Smooth & Long, Eastern, Flange Loop
8. Pads
Res Pad 5, Angel Lyr Str5, G1 World Order, Ethereal Strings, Hold World Order, Smoothings, Stereo Slow Strings, Smooth Choir, Mellow Orchestra, Resonator, Stack Pad, General Orcchester Pad 4, New Angel Pad, Stereo Slow Voices, Chathedral Voice, Airy, Very Mellow Strings, Res Pad 5, Angel Pad, Strings Bach 2, Voice With Upper Strings, Bush String Pads 3, Choir Fixer, Angel Pad 2, Stereo Slow Strings 3, Stereo Slow Pad Chorus, Stereo Slow String Pad 3
9. Peanuts
Control Formants, Tine Elec Piano, Peanuts (Demo Song)
10. SP EFX
Spaced Program, Are U Experienced, Hold World Order, Space Notch 3, Choir Things, Noiz Falls 2, Sinebird 2, Sineforest, Clock S&HLead, Qnirp, Fun 2, Crashear, Cymbal Thing, 3D Program, Hello, Part Of Thunders, Downpour, Sync Program 3, Qnirp, Noise PWM Qnirp, HiPass Pads 6
11. Synth
Smooth Choir, Square Ring, Put Things, Syn Bass Lead Pressue, Mellow Orchestra, Angel Lyra Strings 2, Sweep Syn Orchestra, Comping Synth, Stack Pad 4, YBach Fix, String Mach 1, Big Low Bass, Big Res Bass, Big Both Bass, Mogue Bass, Mogue Bass Bose 2, Trans, Geo-Prophet, Syn Brass Section, Resonator 2, D-Analog Bass, Sawz, Velocitync 2, Goosh 1000
Disk 10/11: Bässe
P. Bass
Bass: P.Bass 2b, Bass: P.Bass 2be1, Bass: P.Bass 2b2, Bass: P.Bass 2bCho